Valentine’s Day Cards: who do we write them to?

Valentine’s Day Cards: who do we write them to?

The Valentine’s Day card is a staple that has been paired with other gifts to celebrate the global day of love for centuries. There are many contested theories as to when the first written Valentine was ever sent. Some attribute its origins to the German tradition of friendship cards, others to Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem The Parlement of Foules, and others still to St. Valentine himself. The oldest known written Valentine that is still in circulation today is the poem written by Charles, The Duke of Orleans to his wife in 1415, Je suis desja d’amour tanné, Ma tres doulce Valentinée, translated “I am already sick of love, My very gentle Valentine”.

Regardless of its history, the Valentine’s Day card is an important part of the observance of the day of love. Although traditionally written to one’s romantic interest, with Valentine’s celebration now being encouraged between family members, friends, and even towards oneself, there are more people one can write to. Here are a few suggestions of people we can send a loving Valentine’s Day card to. 


Our grandparents are important to shower with some extra love this Valentine’s Day. This can be done by writing them personalised notes, reminding them why they are important to us and of the value they add to our lives. This can be especially meaningful for elderly grandparents whose own romantic partners may since have passed, or who live in nursing homes away from their families and loved ones whom they would like to have close by. 


Whether five or fifty-five, we tend to depend on our parents as sources of love, security and guidance. Sending them a note on Valentine’s Day to acknowledge our love and appreciation for their love and care is a thoughtful way to let them know that we notice their efforts in our lives. Parenting is often called a thankless job, and this small action can prove otherwise. 


In an increasingly fast-paced and digitally connected world, it is extremely easy to doubt and challenge ourselves. We can lose track of what we do well, and show ourselves small amounts of love as we chase our dreams and goals. We can show love to ourselves by reflectively journaling or writing a note to ourselves, celebrating what we love about what makes us who we are and the achievements we have made along the way. 


Our friends are an important part of our lives that we can easily take for granted. Good friends are there for us when we want to celebrate life, as well as when we need time to vent and reflect on a few sour days. We must let our friends know that we appreciate the effort they put into our relationships with them as a reminder of their significance in our lives. 

Our romantic partners

As per tradition, we should certainly tell our romantic partners how much they mean to us. Whether relatively recently dating, or married for several years, a simple gesture of acknowledgement can go a long way into making our partners feel appreciated. It is always a good idea to write them a note that they can go back to as a reminder of how much we appreciate them.

The Valentine’s Day card, although an old tradition still holds much weight in how we celebrate the day today. There are many people we can show love to through writing a card, whether a romantic partner, a family member, or a friend. This Valentine’s Day let us think outside of the box and explore who will best benefit from a note of appreciation from us. 



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