Show consideration for the person making a delicious meal for everyone’s enjoyment by availing yourself as a helping hand when needed. As the saying goes “many hands make light work”.

Camping Etiquette

Recently, my husband and I ventured out on a camping trip in one of our province's most beautifully vegetated campgrounds. The spaciousness of the area and the trees that surrounded us only added to the beauty of this place. However, the quality of our trip was elevated by the people we met during our stay.

Thoughtfulness When Staying at an Airbnb

A few years ago, as I surfed the internet for hotels in Florida, I got recommendations for Airbnb. So, I looked into them and read as many reviews as possible. I was intrigued and took the chance and reserved a house that promised ocean views and easy access to the beach. I told myself that if the living quarters didn't live up to the promise, I would swallow the cost and book myself into a hotel.